Friday, January 14, 2011

I confess

While Donnie has been away my patience has grown thinner but my waistline has not (damn those dinners of Doritos and wine followed by dessert--all while Bug is sleeping of course).

I tip better if a waiter/waitress refers to me as "miss" rather than "ma'am."

I nearly polished off a full bag of frosted animal crackers before Bug knew they were in the house (see top confession above...).

I don't want to change my horoscope sign. I liked being a Libra all these years--balanced yet out of whack.

My mind tells me to exercise but the rest of my body doesn't move.

There are times I really miss the baby stage (as in Bug being a baby...not me). One thing I never miss about babyhood: changing crib sheets.

Check out more confessions and link up with Mamarazzi and Glamazon.


  1. Changing bunk bed sheets is worse than a crib sheet :( Especially full size bunks shoved up against the wall! I'm a scorpio and staying that way, thank you very much :)

  2. *sigh* I hear you on all of these but I do have to say changing a bed is worse than a crib.

  3. I'm now a solid Leo--I liked being on the cusp of Leo and Virgo, I got to pick which one I liked better. I love those frosted animal crackers.

  4. I'm with Jen. Bunkbed shits (totally did NOT write that on purpose, but that's so damn funny I'm leaving it.) are the pits! I slam my head every time and I'm SHORT!

  5. Me? Not an Aquarius? Aquarium? YOU ARE KIDDING ME? Now you're gonna tell me there's no Santa Claus?

  6. Bunk bed and daybed sheets are the worst. As for me whenever my mind tells me to exercise I just wait until it passes and eat a piece of chocolate ;)

  7. i refuse to believe i am anything but an Aries, sersiously!

  8. don't you hate when you look down and find a bag empty... I always look around for the guilty party... but alas all that is there is me and a few crumbs :)

  9. Our minds and bodies are clearly in cahoots, but every now and then I wonder if it's just the Doritos and wine talking :) they sure are convincing!!

  10. I haven't thought of frosted animal crackers in years, but now I'm CRAVING them!

  11. Doritos and wine sound delicious!!! I hate when people call me ma'am...I'm 23 years old :|
