Sunday, June 6, 2010

cap & gown in another town

I went to my nephew's high school graduation this weekend. It meant a solo flight (hello reading time!), a short getaway (less than 48 hours) and lots of fun. I hadn't seen my nephew Jackson in more than a year and when I arrived at the house his big hug nearly lifted me off the welcome I've had anywhere in a very long time!

Friday night my brother and I went to his cabin on a nearby lake. (The graduate had plans with surprise...and my sister-in-law's son was arriving that night.) I hadn't seen the cabin before. It was great...a bit of time to chat about all kinds of things and generally get caught up while going on a boat ride and later grilling steaks.

Back at the house, I slept in my nephew's old room...with his pet snake much too close for comfort (eewwwww). The snake is named for Sid Vicious. 'Nuff said (says the woman who named a puppy after Sid Vicious many, many years ago). I only woke up three times to make sure Sid was still safe and sound on the other side of the glass from me.

I'm such a sucker for graduations...I would cry if I didn't know anyone getting a diploma and turning his/her tassel. After a nice dinner out with the family, Jack announced he was meeting up with friends. I quickly said, "that sounds like fun, I'll join you!" The look on his face that his aunt would even think of going out with him on graduation night was worth the whole trip! He was SO relieved when he found out I was kidding but for a moment I could see him using those smarts that earned him the diploma to come up with a kind, respectable reason why I should stay home with the rest of the old timers.


  1. That trick you played on your nephew was classic! You rock! Glad you had a nice little getaway.

  2. Ha! Love that you offered to go with him. LOL
    I can only imagine the look on his face!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time, though. I'm getting a little jealous of all the wonderful plans and weekends people are having/making...our weather has been a nightmare, so nothing cool for us...yet! :)

  3. You are quite a woman to be able to sleep with a snake in the room! I would have been a trainwreck!

    Oh and the Sid thing, I was a huge fan back in the late 70's, early 80's, I have an autographed Swindle Album somewhere Lol!

    No Sid was dead by then and Johnny had started another band (maybe Public Enemy... I forget) so it just has the other two Jones and Cook ;)

  4. i would have dragged it out--gotten ready to go out and tell him how excited i was, etc. really make him sweat!

  5. Congrats grad-Jack! I cry at graduations too, and I don't even know the ppl I'm crying for!

  6. HAHAHAHA!!! That sounds like a joke I would play on my nephew too. Oh the relief! HAHA!! Too cute.

    The graduating seniors were brought up in front of church this Sunday and I cried. I don't know why. It just always makes me cry.

  7. Like Kat, I was getting weepy at church on Sunday when all the graduates were recognized :) My oldest will be one of them in 10 short years!

    I will definitely let you know if we can fit a zoo trip in this summer, I'd love to meet you & I know the little ones would LOVE it.

  8. Ha! I bet that look was priceless! Congrats to him!

  9. bahaha. I so love your comment about 'reading time'... I look forward to Dr's app't's for this very reason.

    congrats to the grad... kudos to you for enjoying graduations. :)
