Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear Someone

Dear friends who are having babies soon,

I can't wait for your little ones to enter the world. I'm a good babysitter and can provide references. Feel free to call me when you want a break for yourself or a real honest-to-goodness night out. I'm your gal. I can come to your house or you can drop off. I aim to please and the price is perfect.


Dear Bug,

Spitting into the toilet to make bubbles isn't the same as peeing but nice try.


Dear Diaper makers,

Really, my son can't be the only nighttime super soaker in the world. How can your overnight diapers not last through the night? I'm tying to come up with other options...should I design my own uber-absorbent sponge diapers? Are there jammies made of wicking fabric so Bug can stay dry till morning (I saw online that this is available for people with nightsweats--so maybe there's hope)? Should I sleep with a pillow over my head and try to ignore the call of "Mommy, I'm wet" during the night? I welcome your thoughts.

Soaked and sleepy

Dear Bug,

Please send me a postcard from Jamaica. And remember to take sunscreen and plenty of diapers (especially for nighttime).


(Side note: Bug woke up this morning and told me he's going to Jamaica today.)

Go to Family of Shorts for more letters.


  1. I wanna go to Jamaica too. :)
    You are so sweet, with the babysitting!

  2. My oldest had soaking issues too. Its no fun. We stopped beverages after dinner (except a small drink while brushing teeth). It seemed to help a bit. He is now 9 and we are still having accident issues every couple of weeks. It is no fun.

  3. First off...could I fly my son out for some babysitting? He's potty trained. (He's 9, so thank goodness).

    Okay...when my babies were babies there was a product that you could actually put in the front of a boys diaper to add extra absorbency. Is that from the stone ages?

  4. thanks for clearing up the Jamaica reference. I was puzzled ; -)

  5. Okay this is just tooo fun! I've read several other of your submissions for this and they are always extremely enjoyable!

    This is fun!

  6. My little man also overwhelms over night diapers routinely...sigh.

    And I would totally call you for babysitting.

  7. So the Huggies Overnights were a bomb? They were our standby. What if you ripped out the insides of one diaper and put it inside another diaper? hmmm. or maybe limit liquids an hour or so before bed?

  8. hehehe That Bug is one funny dude!

  9. Dear Mag: I keep going to respond to your comments that you leave on my blog, and then I always remember (eventually) that I can't reply to your comments! I want to reeeeeepppplllllllyyyyy to you!
    Anynoresponse, Dear Bug..Please take me wiff you..please understand if I request a different bed for dry purposes.
    Oh ya, and Mag, could you move closer to me so I can hire you for your babysitting? We don't really have that option round these parts.

  10. Stopping by from Friday Follow! What a cute blog!


  11. These are cute! Thanks for following me on my blog, I'll be back to read more :)

  12. Cute!

    New follower from "Friday Follow"! I'd love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Found you through Friday Follow - and I'm your newest follower! Love your blog :)

  14. Totally love this! Do you do this weekly? It would be a fun blog hop :)

    Happy Friday Follow! I'm in love with your blog already :)


  15. Cute!!!!!

    I am a Friday Follow!!!!

  16. Popping over to say I am a new follower from Friday Follow.

    We had the exact problem. We even stopped night time drinking, but the Ped. said it will happen soon. We got a buzzer for an insert inside the underpants. I will have to remember the store. We don't shop there any longer since the kids are older.

    It is so frustrating though!!!! I feel your pain!

  17. NOT FAIR to dangle baby sitting to local people. Can you come over NOW???? You are Mary Poppins. xxx

  18. Following you from Friday Follow!

    Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!

  19. My older two have problems with wetting themselves. I ended up having to restrict fluids after 6pm. I feel awful.

    I wish you lived near me, you could babysit ANYTIME!

    Late new follower from FF

  20. Maybe not helpful, but maybe you could buy those piddle pads for dogs--they sell them in bulk at Hellmart and just put one under him? Is that crazy? Might be, but sometimes I'm a little crazy.

  21. Love these letters. I just wrote one to my 16 year old self!

    I am a new follower from FF. Please come by and follow back. I am doing some great giveaways right now. I hope you had a great weekend and Happy Monday. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog!

  22. Following your blog from Friday Follow.

    Have a nice week.
