Setting: upstairs in the early morning hours
Act 1, Scene 1
Monday, 4am
The stage is silent when suddenly an earth-shattering scream breaks out from the hallway. Mommy runs to find Bug standing near his door crying and stamping his feet. (Night terrors?) Bug refuses to be held or calmed in anyway but after a few minutes Mommy gets him back in his room. Bug sits on his bed--kicking, crying, etc. still pushing Mommy away with interjections of "no, no, no," "don't wanna." (Is it possible neighbors from several blocks away are being awakened by this?)
Offstage we hear Daddy's footsteps as he enters the room to help.
Bug: [between cries] Go away, Daddy.
Daddy leaves and moments later (could his head have even hit the pillow?) we hear a soft, rhythmic snore.
Mommy gets Bug quieted down but Bug begs to sleep in Mommy & Daddy's bed. She holds firm.
Mommy: No, it's nighttime. Nighttime is for sleeping in your bed. You can come in when it's morning.
Bug: But I have to sweep in your bed.
Mommy: No, this is your bed. You have a comfy bed with a perfect pillow (clever Mommy--using Bug's own words from earlier in the evening to describe his bed)
Sweep well
Be careful
Don't get boo-boos
Don't get sick
Don't go to the doctor
Put ice in your ginger ale but don't put ice in your wine (this one always brings a smile to Mommy's face and a question mark bubble above her head)
Sweet Dreams
Back in the bedroom Mommy is wide awake. After staring at the clock for a few minutes she gives up and goes downstairs to the computer to start her day.
[Fades to dark]
Act 2, Scene 1
Tuesday, 4:10am
Again, Mommy is awakened to Bug's piercing cry. She goes to him and quiets him down. He asks to sleep in the big bed.
Mommy: No, you stay in your big boy bed.
Bug: Then you sweep with me.
Mommy: No, there's no room. You have all your toys and cars to keep you company. Tell Winnie all about your day.
[Bug hugs Winnie and begins telling stories of the life of a two-year-old]
Mommy returns to her bed.
A big truck is heard stopping on the street. Mommy looks outside but sees nothing other than an unfinished construction project (sigh) but hears what sounds like the wood chipper scene from Fargo. Cringing, she gets back into bed and silently curses the city.
Garbage truck finishes the wood chipper scene and passes by the house...beautiful silence again.
A train whistle is heard. (Side note: The couple has lived in this home for more than seven years and on the few times a train whistle is heard in the early hours she imagines it's a train from another era--perhaps the early 1900s--carrying circus performers or gypsies or both. This time she thinks she might join them.)
Bug: [from his room] Mommy? I hear a train!
Mommy: Yes, Bug, the train is going night-night. It's still dark...go to sleep.
Bug: I can't. [crying follows]
Mommy resigns herself to the fact that Bug will be in her bed in minutes and it's likely her only hope of sleeping another hour or two. She goes to him; he asks to sleep in her bed. She agrees. He tells her he's wet (damn non-absorbent diapers--her thoughts--possibly Bug's too). A quick diaper/pajama bottom change and the two silently walk across the hall to M&D's room.
In bed Bug snuggles as close to Mommy as possible giving Mommy limited space in the big bed. They share a pillow. Bug does the toddler flop while sleeping--alternating between kicks on Mommy's tummy and arms thrown across her face with a headbutt thrown in for good measure. Often he's still and his soft breathing warms her heart. Twice he wakes up. Once she's greeted with "Oh, hi, Mommy" as though he's surprised to see her. The other is a sweet "I wuv you."
Mommy perfects her undesired and unenviable new habit of watching the clock with eyes wide open until 6am when she gets up leaving a sleeping little boy in bed.
[Fades to dark as the sun is preparing to rise]