Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Waist Not

Amanda at Family of Shorts asked this: What have you said goodbye to?

Here's my short story...

I've said farewell to my waistline. I miss it and hope it returns soon.

What's that? I'll see it again when I give up the Snickers, Nuggets and wine and start working out again? Well that certainly sounds easy enough. Bwahahahhahahaha...

Check out Amanda's story and more links at Family of Shorts.


  1. This sounds like my sad story too. I'm off to yoga tonight in the hopes of reclaiming something close to my pre-baby figure. Give up the snickers and wine? Oouch!!!

  2. Oh waistline....I know mine is under there somewhere

  3. mine is gone as well.
    yet i hold on to the size 4 jeans still.....why?

  4. Waistline? What is this line you speak of? ;)

  5. I cannot think of a single food or beverage I am willing to give up.

  6. Let me tell you the story about a missing waistline...oh wait, I've told this story before.

    Mine is lost and gone forever.

  7. Hahahaha. What's a waist line??

  8. yeah. This time of year with all of the boys' halloween candy is killer. There is no WAY I can block out the voices of the Reeses', Snickers, and Nestle crunch bars calling my name softly.

  9. I think we all miss that so very much!
